Smoothies for Weight Loss and Body Cleansing: Recipes for the Most Useful Detox Cocktails

Weight loss and body cleansing smoothies are low-calorie, potato-like delicious drinks used by followers of a healthy diet for detoxification. There are differing opinions on this issue, but it is difficult to contradict the overall benefits of the product for the body. It contains more vitamins, minerals and other nutrients than juices and they are absorbed and absorbed faster than whole fruits and vegetables. But smoothies can also damage the digestive tract if you drink them too often. So do not consider cocktails as a panacea for diseases. But they will be able to cleanse the body of toxins, tone and saturate it with vitamins. ᲠHow do I do this? ᲛI read this!

The benefits of a smoothie for cleansing

Detox smoothie is an excellent alternative to juice diet for weight loss and body cleansing. They also contain nutrients, but unlike juices, they also contain fiber. It is an important ingredient in cleaning products.

Smoothie for weight loss and body cleansing

Cellulose is a dietary fiber. Once in the digestive tract, they do not break down, but swell and accumulate toxins and toxins, which then leave the body with unprocessed waste. The fiber can be compared to a broom that cleans the intestinal walls. At the same time, dietary fiber is the basis for the multiplication of beneficial bacteria, improves the microflora.

Scientists have proven that fiber in a low-calorie diet promotes weight loss. 345 participants in the experiment provided records of their dietary intake. Several low-calorie diets have been analyzed, but all have shown a link between fiber intake and weight loss.

Fiber helps reduce calorie intake. Gives a feeling of swelling and satiety when it gets into the stomach and intestines. Scientists have found that the fibers themselves have no energy value and sometimes require additional costs for fermentation. On average, by consuming dietary fiber, you can get from -20 to +10 kJ / g.

Since the smoothies that cleanse the body of toxins are mainly fruits and vegetables, the smoothies are rich in antioxidants. These substances neutralize radionuclides and prevent the development of cancer. They slow down the aging and destruction process at the cellular level.

Vegetables and fruits cleanse not only the intestines but also the blood. A low-calorie smoothie diet can lower cholesterol, eliminate plaque, and prevent atherosclerosis.

The smoothie diet has other benefits:

  • Metabolism is normalized;
  • The feeling of heaviness in the stomach disappears;
  • Weight loss occurs;
  • There is no feeling of hunger;
  • Improves immunity;
  • Body tone appears;
  • Has developed the habit of eating fractionally low-calorie dishes;
  • There is a willpower to give up sweets.

Unfortunately, not all people, even those who switch to a balanced diet, understand why they are doing this and trying to adapt their old eating habits to the new diet. For example, the most useful smoothies for cleansing the body are added sugar or jam! Such cocktails have a richer taste, but due to the abundance of sweets, they further contaminate the intestines and promote the growth of harmful bacteria.

If the drink seems unsatisfactory, you can add banana, yogurt or kefir, which satisfies hunger well. They give enough energy but do not disrupt the cleansing process.

What are smoothies and how to prepare them

In the cocktail you can add any fruits and vegetables, fermented milk drinks, tea, water or juices, cereals, nuts. All ingredients are perfectly combined with each other. Depending on the components and their effects on the body, smoothies are divided into several types:

  • Awakening.These are drinks that give you energy throughout the day, so drink them in the morning or before exercise. The basis of the cocktail is usually banana, yogurt, cottage cheese or cereal flakes. These are fairly high-calorie foods, so eating them at night is undesirable.
  • Soothing.These cocktails are consumed at bedtime. They are lightweight, do not contain high-calorie products. Based on soy or almond milk.
  • Fat burning.Drinks contain foods that speed up metabolism: pineapple, grapefruit, lemon, orange, as well as hot spices and seasonings (cinnamon, ginger, coriander).
  • Cleanser.Detox shakes are fortified with antioxidant effects, so they include a variety of vegetables and fruits.

The composition of any cocktail can be divided into 3 parts: liquid base (tea, water, juice, kefir or yogurt), solid components (vegetables or fruits), additives. It is better to use seasonal natural products. If you use store-bought vegetables and fruits, wash and clean them well before cooking. For better preservation, it is often sprayed with chemicals or wax. You will agree that such a smoothie is unlikely to improve your health!

A traditional cocktail consists of 60% vegetables and 40% fruits, but you do not need to follow this option. Green smoothies for cleansing the body contain 60-70% herbs.

The smoothie can be made in the form of a submerged blender or cup. To facilitate the operation of the device, pre-press the solid components. Prepare a homemade cocktail with any force, but the result should be a homogeneous mixture of a pleasant rich shade.

The girl prepares a smoothie for weight loss in a blender

Principles of smooth cleaning

It is recommended to approach the smoothie diet in order to gradually cleanse the body. I have had the experience of cleaning a fruit and vegetable smoothie for 3 days and I must say that it is not so easy to bear. While you can add protein and grain smoothies, the stomach lacks solid foods. The dietary fiber in the cocktail enters the digestive tract in milled form. They move quickly into the intestines and hunger is soon felt. The stomach excretes hydrochloric acid, which is extremely dangerous with a long-term smoothie diet. There is severe pain in the area of the solar plexus and doctors say that such a diet can cause ulcers.

To prevent cleansing from becoming stressful for the body, reduce your calorie intake in a few days, eliminate fried, fatty, salty foods from your diet. Instead, eat cooked lean meat or fish, whole grains. Drink more purified water (up to 2 liters per day).

If you have never cleansed your body before, start your fasting day with a smoothie: in the first stage it will be enough. If you tolerate the shake diet well, repeat the experiment every week. After 1-2 months you can increase the interval to 3 days.

You can not go on a smoothie diet for more than 5-7 days. Solid food is needed for the normal functioning of the digestive system.

Drink different types of smoothies once every 2-3 hours on fasting days. Drink plenty of fluids between meals to increase the fiber found in fruits and vegetables and cleanse the intestines. The fluid will help you get rid of toxins and stones.

Drink smoothies only through straw, as many components of the cocktail adversely affect tooth enamel. Scientists analyzed the effects of vegetable and fruit smoothies and found that the loss of calcium and fluoride during the day occurs at 15 microns. To avoid the harmful effects of juices on the enamel, rinse your mouth after each meal.

Gradually get off the diet. Do not load the stomach immediately, according to the usual menu. On the first day add solid vegetables and fruits. Then in the menu you can enter cereals, in the last stage - lean meat and fish. Then cleaning will be effective and will not be in vain.

Popular smoothie recipes

The principle of preparation is the same for all smoothie recipes for weight loss and body cleansing. If cooking in a blender bowl, pour in the liquid ingredients. Then, remove the fruits and vegetables from the skin, press into slices and place in a bowl. It remains to grind. If using a sink blender, place all the ingredients in a suitable container and grind well. It is better to drink smoothie immediately after preparation.

The girl drinks green smoothie for weight loss

3 recipes to help you become thinner and healthier:

  • Kiwi, honey and oatmeal. 3 Art. L. Pour a glass of kefir into oatmeal and simmer for 5 minutes. Cut kiwi, banana and apple without peel and put in a blender bowl. Grind, add honey and cinnamon to taste.
  • Green smoothie recipe to cleanse the body. Press 2 pre-frozen bananas and place in blender. Add 2 cups green spinach, 1 tbsp. K. Milk. Grind, if desired, add a few pieces of ice.
  • With cabbage and apples. Cut the fourth part of the cabbage fork into pieces, 50 g of celery, 100 g of apple pulp, lettuce. Grind the ingredients. If the mixture is too thick, add water or apple juice to make it look like in the photo.

As you can see, preparing a healthy smoothie to cleanse the body is very simple. But it is important that all the ingredients are fresh and tasty.

Contraindications and harm

Do you have diet days to cleanse your body with smoothies? ᲡUnfortunately even. Such a diet in some diseases damages the internal organs. Smoothie unloading days are contraindicated:

  • With pathologies of the liver and kidneys;
  • Disorders of the digestive tract (abundance of fiber causes bloating and flatulence);
  • Pregnancy and breastfeeding (any restrictions at this time are undesirable);
  • Allergic to some fruits, vegetables or lactose in dairy drinks (in this case, choose foods that you can eat).

A smoothie diet can help you stay healthy and lose weight. But do not be fooled: remember that everything has to have a size!